Sonoma Valley Hospital Recognized For Quality of Care By Two National Organizations
November 4, 2013Sonoma Valley Hospital has received recognition from two national organizations for its quality of care. Last week, it was named a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America, which recognized the Sonoma Valley Health Care District for achieving excellence in performance on its accountability measures during 2012 in the areas of Pneumonia and Surgical Care.
The Hospital’s Skilled Nursing Facility also recently received a 2013 Bronze Commitment to Quality award from the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living, which honors skilled nursing and post-acute care facilities nationally that have demonstrated commitment to improving quality care for seniors and individuals with disabilities. This follows recognition in September by Medicare, which awarded the facility a top 5-star rating, making it one of the few in the North Bay to have this distinction.
“We have been working hard to meet the highest standards of care at Sonoma Valley, and this latest recognition shows that our efforts continue to pay off for our community,” said CEO Kelly Mather. “Only a third of all Joint Commission-accredited hospitals nationally were recognized for quality of care this year, so we compare very favorably with hospitals across the country. And our Skilled Nursing Facility is viewed as a model in its field, as is our Home Health program which ranks among the top 25 percent in the nation for quality of care.”
“Hospitals are closely monitored today in terms of performance, and we can increasingly point to favorable outcomes in a number of critical areas of patient care,” Mather added. “We’re pleased that our latest patient satisfaction surveys show we have met our goals in all areas. This is especially gratifying since patients have had to deal with construction and upgrades at the facility which, thankfully, will end soon when we open the new wing.”
Sonoma Valley is one of 93 hospitals in the state to be recognized by The Joint Commission as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures. In all, 305 California hospitals submitted data in 2012. Information about the Joint Commission and its 2013 Annual Report on Quality and Safety can be found at:
Sonoma Valley is one of nearly 360 facilities nationally, and among 33 in California, to have earned a 2013 Bronze Commitment to Quality award from the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living. The award is the first of three distinctions possible through the National Quality Award program.